Trinity is a growing Anglican Church in Lafayette, LA. Founded with 25 empty-nesters in 2016, we have increased to 125, from all ages and stages of life. We average around 75 on a Sunday, with 15-20 children. We are nearly out of room. In gratitude for the gospel of Christ, joy at the growth of his Church, and in order to better serve God and neighbor, we now seek to expand our sanctuary and double our capacity.
“You yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house” -1 Peter 2:5
This verse reminds us that we don’t build for the sake of the building itself. Rather, we build to support our growing congregation of living stones, as a legacy for the generation of Christians to come.
We asked our members what it means for them to be a living stone, and how God is building them up as a spiritual house at Trinity. They wrote a series of testimonies, which we compiled into a
devotional booklet.
Next, we took video of our members discussing their living stones testimonies. The result was our campaign video.