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The Membership Class
by Amy Jeffrey on November 11th, 2022
Grace and peace to you today, saints of Trinity! This Saturday from 9AM to 2PM we will be offering our first Trinity Membership Class. Pleasejoin us, even if you haven’t had a chance to sign-up. You may be asking: What is membership atTrinity? Why should I consider membership? What will we do in the membership class? In thisRector’s Report I will briefly answer these questions.What is membership a...  Read More
Synod 2022
by Peter Johnston on November 5th, 2022
Greetings, saints of Trinity! I write to you from The Woodlands, just north of Houston, at the conclusion of the Annual Synod of our Diocese. I’m about to get on the road back to Lafayette, so I will keep this short, but I did think it would be important to share with you some of what we have experienced here.My first Synod was in 2016, shortly after I had left the Episcopal Church, and shortly be...  Read More
A Mighty Fortress
by Peter Johnston on October 28th, 2022
Greetings, saints of Trinity!This Sunday we begin the final season of the church year, running from Halloween to Advent, which is variously called the Kingdom Season, the Thanksgiving Season, or the All Saints season. The name Halloween comes from All Hallow’s Eve, or the night before All Saints Day. This day, October 31, is not only the beginning of the celebration of All Saints, but also Reforma...  Read More
An Introduction to Liturgical Mission
by Amy Jeffrey on October 21st, 2022
Greetings, saints of Trinity!We are very excited for Theology on the Bayou tomorrow morning, with guest speaker Winfield Bevins.  Coffee’s on @ 9AM and Morning Prayer begins @ 9:30AM. By way of introduction to the event, I thought I would share a brief outline of Winfield’s new book, Liturgical Mission (copies are available at the church, and Winfield will be happy to sign them). Liturgical Missio...  Read More
Download the new Trinity App!
by Amy Jeffrey on October 14th, 2022
Grace and peace to you today, saints of Trinity! I am excited to share that Trinity now has a mobile app. Available in the Apple and Google appstores, just search for “Trinity Lafayette” and you will be able to download it for free. Thepurpose of the app is to support your discipleship by making Trinity resources available to youthrough the week. The app has three tabs: Watch, Read, and Events.On ...  Read More
A Visit From Bishop Clark
by Peter Johnston on October 6th, 2022
Greetings, saints of Trinity - This weekend we welcome Bishop Clark, who will join us for a blessing of the playground at 9:30AM and one combined service at 10AM.  It’s sure to be an especially joyful Sunday.  But you may be wondering, why do we have a Bishop, and what does he do?The word Bishop translates the Greek word episkopos, often translated “overseer” in Paul’s pastoral letters (see 1 Timo...  Read More
How We Welcome Children
by Peter Johnston on October 1st, 2022
Grace and peace to you, saints of Trinity!The Lord has recently blessed our congregation with a host of children; we have grown from around 10 to more than 30 over the past two years. We express thanks to God in this, believing with the Bible that “children are a gift from the Lord” (Psalm 127:3). And so I thought it would be helpful to share a bit on how we welcome and serve children at Trinity.F...  Read More
Winfield Bevins on Liturgical Mission
by Peter Johnston on September 24th, 2022
Greetings, saints of Trinity!One of the unique traditions God has given us at Trinity, is hosting Theology on the Bayou with a visiting author each fall.  Nathan White in 2017, David Roseberry in 2018, Rod Dreher in 2019, and Gerald McDermott in 2021.  Today I’m very glad to announce that Winfield Bevins will join us for Theology on the Bayou, on the morning of Saturday the 22nd of October!  Winfi...  Read More
Psalm Sing
by Peter Johnston on September 17th, 2022
Good afternoon, Trinity! We’re beginning a new practice, of putting out an occasional “Rector’s Report.”  Most of the time this will come out on Fridays, to communicate what we are doing at church, together with the reason why. This weekend we have a Psalm Sing on Saturday at 4PM.  This is an opportunity for us to gather, as Paul instructs, to sing “psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing an...  Read More