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Provincial Assembly

Greetings, Trinitarians!

On Sunday I shared a number of stories from Provincial Assembly, which I attended in Pennsylvania last week. In this Rector's Report I wanted to share a few more details alongside some photos and a video. Also, please note an important prayer request at the end of this e-mail.

Provincial Assembly was held in Latrobe, PA, on the campus of Saint Vincent College and Abbey. The college was founded around a Benedictine monastery, and features at its center a large basilica, which could seat nearly the entire group of 1000 that gathered for the event. Those present included bishops, clergy, and lay delegates from all over North America, together with visiting bishops and archbishops from around the world. Here are two photos, the first of the basilica from the outside (with the clergy in procession around it), and of the basilica inside, as everyone was coming in.
It was a joy to see many old friends and to make some new. Bp Felix and Bp Scott were there, together with fellow clergy of our Diocese. You'll notice in the photo below some of our recent guest preachers, including Mark Ball and John Goodman.

In addition to times of worship and business, there were sessions focused on Bible study. One of the highlights for me was the Bible teaching of Rennis Poniah, a retired bishop of Singapore, who taught over three days on 2 Timothy. I had a chance to share my appreciation, and he graciously received me and we exchanged contact info. By God's grace I hope we will become friends. It is one of the wonders of the gospel, that two people from such varied backgrounds can meet and share such a quick bond of fellowship in Christ. Bp Rennis is in the second photo below.
Anglican Compass had a table in the exhibitors area, and our team of Jacob Davis (Editor) and Jesse Nigro (Events & Sales Coordinator) did a great job representing the ministry to the broader Anglican world.

If you'd like to read more about the event, I wrote or contributed to multiple relevant Anglican Compass articles. First, there are basic guides to a Bishop's Conclave and Provincial Assembly. Then there is an article on the legacy of outgoing Archbishop Foley Beach. Finally, there is an article on the reported numerical growth of the ACNA, about which I'll probably share more in the future.
With abundant thanks for your prayers and friendship in Christ -



