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Oak Pruning & Groundbreaking

Greetings Trinitarians -

2025 is off to a fantastic start, thank God! On Sundays we are welcoming lots of new and returning visitors, and we've had a host of additional programs already: Silent Retreat, Annual Meeting, and our Cultivate Conference.

Now we are about to begin the "Year of Construction." In fact, the physical work began this morning with the pruning of our oak tree. I thought you would want to see the pruning in action, so I include a photo below.

The oak pruning is a good symbol for this year as a whole. Just as the oak is being pruned to create space for the new church, so we may feel cut back this year, as we lose access to the family center in the spring, and then transition out of the sanctuary in the summer. But this pruning is also preparing the way for our future growth. Thank you for your flexibility and commitment in this season!

Finally, please mark your calendars for Friday February 28th. We'll have Evening Prayer at 4PM, our Ceremonial Groundbreaking at 5PM, and dinner (Crawfish Boil!) at 5:30PM.

In Christ -



